Saturday, November 2, 2019

Humanistic Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Humanistic Era - Essay Example National Labor Relations Act, also called the Wagner Act was introduced in 1935. This act gained existence in the period of Great Depression. Due to Great Depression, the employers have to minimize their functionalities, due to which, employees faced career uncertainty. Unions got active in order to support employees to get their rights. According to Jackson and Mathis (2007), collective bargaining was promoted by the US government under the Wagner act. The employees were not required to be a part of labor union to get their rights as they had the right.According to Bohlander and Snell (2009), the Wagner Act highlighted certain unjust labor actions such as persecution of employees in terms of using their rights, keeping bias against the workers and rejection of the notion of collective bargain for opting for the workers’ spokespersons.TheoristsMary Parker Follett informed in her theory that management should be authoritative with employees or not over them. Employees and emplo yers should form a relationship in which, they share authority and make decisions likewise. In this manner, processing and business functions will be eased out. She introduced the term participative management in her essay, â€Å"The Giving of Orders†.  Ã‚   Huston and Marquis (2008), inform about the theorist, Elton Mayo and his Harvard acquaintances who introduced Hawthorne effect. Like McGregor and Elton Mayo, Chris Argyris also claimed that authoritative behavior from the management’s side disheartens the employees and affect their performance.

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